The Smartest B2B Sales Prospecting Tool for your Business

Instantly access thousands of phone numbers and email addresses.

No credit card required


based on 1,376 reviews


GDPR compliant

More than 300.000 companies trust FindThatLead

Your all-in-one leadgen tool

Find your right target

Enter parameters such as industry, job title, location, etc., and FindThatLead will provide you with a list of potential customers with phone and email addresses that match those parameters.

Send cold emailing campaigns and make prospecting calls

Use the contact lists you created to launch personalized cold email campaigns and calls to improve your chances of reaching your potential client. Use our proven templates!

Chrome extension

Use our Chrome extension to extract emails and phone numbers from LinkedIn profiles, Crunchbase, or corporate websites. Use LinkedIn search to collect profiles of your targets in bulk.

1. Find and extract leads

Define your industry, role, location, or even keywords, and FindThatLead will serve you a tailored B2B email list. You can even define and scrape your target on LinkedIn using our Chrome Extension. Already got leads? Boost them by adding emails.

2. Send Campaigns

Effortlessly roll out targeted B2B campaigns to engage your audience. And if you're stuck on crafting the perfect email copy, don't worry—our AI can lend a creative hand to make your messages stand out.

3. Close Deals

Complete your sales easily with follow-ups, send those leads to your CRM or even manage them with our internal CRM, all in one tool.


Here’s what our customers say

”FindThatLead is one of my favorite platforms”

”Beyond its efficacy in locating contacts within specific companies and sectors, FindThatLead boasts an exceptionally user-friendly interface. The platform's commitment to continuous updates and improvements.

In both my professional and academic pursuits, FindThatLead has proven invaluable. It enables me to discover contacts I wouldn't have imagined and facilitates seamless arrangements for meetings.”

isabel melo

Isabel Melo

Digital Project manager


Emails generated per month

”Saves time and makes prospecting easy”

”FindThatLead seamlessly handles bulk databases, without a doubt, it stands out as an exceptional tool in every aspect.

The platform also grants me access to valuable information about my prospects. This, in turn, streamlines the process of getting in contact with them, super-duper tool!.”

nisha bajaj

Nisha Bajaj

Influencer Partnership Marketing


More Meets

”Best Client Booster Tool”

”FindThatLead is a user-friendly tool that significantly amplifies your client outreach. Having initially encountered them at Mobile World Congress four years ago, their consistent support has played a pivotal role in generating lots of new leads for us. The platform's continuous updates, introducing top-rated new services, further enhance its appeal. We wholeheartedly recommend it, emphasizing the power of sending emails with a personal touch.”

raúl rodríguez

Raúl Rodríguez

Customer Intelligence


Email Open Rate in Campaigns

Amplify your reach and increase your sales with FindThatLead

We help you reach your prospects faster, close more sales and get ahead of your competition

No credit card required


based on 1,376 reviews


GDPR compliant